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Alain Boublil Blog



The 13rd Plan and the Yuan

« Where is the will, there is the way » said, a long time ago, Lao-Tseu. The reading of the project of the 13th Plan, being discussed this week-end in Beijing at the People Assembly, shows that this principle is still present. Guidelines related to China monetary policy which are included in the document, give a light which it is necessary to decode in order to understand the path the country will follow and its consequences on international economic and financial exchanges.

The Yuan internationalization strategy, initiated in 2009, will go further. Its convertibility is definitely a clear objective as its use ...

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Tne next subprime crisis

When, during 2007 summer, banks realized they had, in their books, assets which were constituted with irrecoverable loans, financial planet started to be shaken. It will be necessary to wait for Lehmann bankruptcy, a year later, to assess the size of the disaster which provoked the biggest post-war financial crisis and a major world recession. Are we on the brink of the same situation? Market value of the banking sector has fallen since the beginning of the year and it reflects this concern but, apparently, banks are in a much better situation than in 2007. Their core capital ratios have ...

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6.9% : China economic growth in 2015

Everyone should be happy with such a result which contrasts with the doubts affecting the durability of U.S. growth, the feeble rebound in Europe and the secular stagnation in Japan. But it’s not the case. This 6.9% figure is immediately accompanied with the following comment: “the worst achievement in 25 years”. China GDP has reached, in 2015, a level near 11 000 billions dollars. Year on year, production  has risen by almost 700 billions dollars, roughly a third of French GDP, whose increase, last year, was as little as 20 billions dollars. But any news coming from ...

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